CBD Knowledge / News

CBD for Pain Relief: A Natural Alternative to Opioids
Mar 14, 2023
Let's talk about pain relief. Pain is a universal experience that affects us all at some point in our lives. Whether it's acute pain from an injury or chronic pain from a medical condition, it can greatly impact our quality of life. Traditionally, opioids have been the go-to solution for managing pain, but with the rise of the opioid epidemic, many are looking for safer and natural alternatives. Enter CBD, a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant that has shown promise in relieving pain without the addictive and harmful side effects of opioids. In this post, we'll explore the benefits of CBD for pain relief and how you can incorporate Organic Grit (OG) CBD products into your pain management routine.
FDA call for new oversight on CBD
Jan 28, 2023
The Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) has recently stated that cannabis-derived products need closer oversight. The request to have enhanced monitoring of the growing industry will involve the FDA to seek new powers from the United States Congress.    Learn more about on this OG news article.