Hawaiian Haze CBD Hemp Strain

Hawaiian Haze CBD Hemp Strain

Jan 07, 2023Thomas K

Hawaiian Haze CBD: Strain Review

   Throughout the CBD industry you will come across companies that have zero idea about the strain they are growing/purchasing. Most of these companies pull from a large plot of land with multiple strains of hemp.

These companies then pull any strain they come across, extract whatever cannabinoid inside of the plant and slap their label on it.

When a company has zero clue on the strain they are growing/purchasing, they run a high risk of providing subpar quality products.

Here at Organic Grit, we specially source an outstanding strain called Hawaiian Haze, to ensure a potent and amazing product for our community.

From our CBD Oils to OG Salve, all our OG CBD is produced from the Hawaiian Haze strain. Below we will go over the many things about the strain we use and hope it helps your journey in incorporating CBD in your life. 

Genetic Lineage of Hawaiian Haze CBD

   Hawaiian Haze was given its name because of its tropical and exotic traits which in turn provide the client with fresh and uplifting feelings.

Hawaiian Haze is sativa dominate strain with a cross of both Hawaiian and Haze. The Hawaiian portion of the strain is a Landrace strain, and the Haze portion is a highly potent sativa phenotype with uplifting feelings.

It’s important to note that the Hawaiian Haze strain is quickly becoming one of the most popular CBD strains on the market today.

The terpene rich and flavorful hemp follower allows the user to stay sharp and focused throughout the daytime.

Hawaiian Haze highlights

  • Sativa – Uplifting
  • 20.9% CBD
  • Top Shelf CBD Hemp Flower
  • Hand Trimmed Buds
  • Federal Farm Bill Compliant – Less Than 0.3% Delta 9 THC

All our products are tested by the amazing teams at SC Labs. You can read more about our quality here.

The Effects of Hawaiian Haze CBD

Once again: the Hawaiian Haze strain is a very potent and sharp sativa strain that provides almost immediate effect.

When you use a Hawaiian Haze CBD Strain you will likely first feel the effects go to your head, in turn melting away anxiety and blockages.

Once the anxiety is taken care of, you will move into a more comfortable, confident, and ready state. 

Hawaiian Haze is a potent sativa strain with quick acting effects.

You’ll likely feel the effects going to your head at first, melting away anxiety and blockages. This in turn can make you feel comfortable, confident, and ready for social engagements.

The common uses for Hawaiian Haze CBD are the following:


The OG Box

   If you are interested in trying of OG CBD and would like to get a sample, check out our OG Box! There are three potent does of 50mg of OG CBD in each vial, all for FREE.

We want our clients to know what they are getting ahead of time and wit this package we accomplish this!

Should you have any questions about CBD, be sure to use our CBD Guide  or contact us! We are always here to help.

As always: #STAYGRITTY


Full Spectrum CBD Oil

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